Monday, September 30, 2019

Film Editing Essay

The 1972 film The Godfather directed by Francis Ford Coppolla based on the novel by Mario Puzo that takes one inside the world of the Mafia as shown in the Corleone family where its patriarch, Don Vito is the â€Å"Godfather† but later, the focus of the film would later on shift to his son Michael who at first was not part of the Mafia family, but later on gradually joined it until he became the Godfather. The rise of Michael Corleone from being a â€Å"civilian† to Godfather is made possible by a well-coordinated cinematography which also involves editing. Editing is a film technique where reels of film are subjected to â€Å"cut and paste† in order to weave the scenes into a seamless sequences of events that unfold the moment it hits the silver screen. In this film, the producers make use the continuous editing technique. This approach is employed for the purpose of maintaining continuous or clear narrative action. It begins with the scene when Michael arrives at his sister Connie’s wedding reception which is presided by their father Don Vito. This scene shows that Michael is not part of the other â€Å"family† his father leads as depicted by him dressed in a military uniform which showed he came from the war. The next scene would be the attempted â€Å"hit† (murder) of Don Vito in the market and a separate scene where Michael’s older brother Sonny was killed. This is followed by the scene where he was mauled by corrupt police officers and another where he is handed a gun by his father’s mafiosi which he would use in a later scene to kill McCluskey, one of the corrupt cops and his father’s rival Sollozzo. His brother’s death and later his father, has thrust him into becoming the head of the â€Å"Family† which is underscored by scenes showing the â€Å"hits† on rival mafia leaders while serving as the godfather of his sister’s son. This is capped with the final scene where he closed the door to his study as he is about to preside over a â€Å"family† meeting with his second wife Kay standing by the doorway. These shots were cut and pasted in a way that it follows a progressive sequence. The seamlessness of the scenes shows rhythm in the editing and the intervals were either minimal or eliminated thereby preserving the momentum on focusing on Michael. The film also makes use of eye-line matches where the audience sees things initially from Don Vito’s perspective, at the beginning and switching to Michael, as it is shown in numerous scenes especially his confrontation with Sollozzo and switches to his wife as shown in the final scene when the door to Michael’s office closes with her looking on which underscored that Michael chose his other â€Å"family† thereby sealing his fate. The baptism scene shows the application of the temporal relationships as it is interspersed with the deaths of rival mafiosi, indicating what was happening at the same time. In conclusion, the use of (continuous) editing helped make the story of The Godfather easy to understand and to appreciate totally as it shows a seamless stringing of scenes that show the rise of Michael Corleone to power. Reference Coppolla, F. F. (Director). (1972). The Godfather [Motion Picture].

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Downsizing: Costs and Assigned Government Executive

Industry downsizing has been a major part of the corporate world, even government agencies are downsizing. GovernmentExecutive. com â€Å"covers the business of the federal government and its huge departments and agencies – dozens of which dwarf the largest institutions in the private sector† on its website. Read the assigned Government Executive article and answer the following questions: Which industries have substantially reduced fixed cost commitments? Do you believe this reduction in costs has substantially impaired the ability of these industries to meet the needs of their customers? It appears that both privite and public sectors are reducing fixed cost. According to Ciccotello and Green, the technology, auto, and government industries have substantially reduced fixed costs. The specific examples referenced in the article, Industry’s Downsizing Lessons, were IBM, Honda, and the DoD; in some cases the downsizing has been beneficial and in others it has been detrimental. DoD has taken the lead in the current round of federal downsizing, instituting several initiatives to reduce permanent staff positions, rely more on temporary help and outsource production. Honda made large cuts in its permanent engineering staff in response to the more volatile sales environment for automobiles since the mid-1980s. These cuts left Honda unable to keep pace with its competitors in the design of new automobiles. The results have been the loss of market share and profit for Honda, which now faces the difficult task of trying to catch up. The consequence of cutting fixed costs too far could be even more dangerous for a government enterprise like DoD. The computer industry is rapidly changing technology is causing companies to reassess large, fixed-cost commitments. As a result, evidence of decreasing operating leverage in this industry abounds. Many large computer firms have made dramatic cuts in permanent staff. Standard and Poor's reports that IBM had more than 370,000 full-time employees in 1990 and fewer than 270,000 in 1994. At the same time, computer firms have greatly increased outsourcing of products and leasing of equipment. Both of these trends reduce the requirement for large in-house expenditures on personnel, plant and equipment. Outsourcing and leasing make the enterprise more nimble, more able to quickly adapt to a rapidly changing sales environment.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Homework Steven

Criteria Questions to Ask Yourself Comments How important is the subject to the speaker? The speaker seems to be very committed to the information she has learned about van Gogh. She seems that she has done her research and is passionate about his life and art. Appropriateness for Audience and Occasion Is the topic and delivery relevant and useful to the audience? It seems the audience was into the speech. I still could not tell who she was speaking to. Was it an art class? Random group of people who want to know more about van Gogh? Clear Purpose Can you identify the goal(s) the speaker has for delivering the speech?The speaker anted to get across the tragedy and triumphs of Van Go's life. All of which lead him to killing himself. Fresh Point of View Does the speech challenge the audience to think about something in a new way? I think this speech did. The Speaker obviously found information that was plenty interesting and not something you would Just know based on school taught info rmation. Ethics Does the speaker tell the truth and have the best interest of the audience at heart? She seems to have sited all information she found. I would take it as all true and she also looks to have lured the audience in with her facts and excitement about the topic.Substance Does the speech content provide new information supported by facts, statistics, and so-on? Yes, A lot of the facts she had were sited. I had no idea that he went through all of that. Structure Is the flow of information given in the speech well organized so the speech flows from one topic to the next? Yes. By starting with his early years, going to middle age years and ending with him committing suicide. Step 5: Watch the speech, pausing as necessary, and enter any initial thoughts that may be useful in writing your critique of the speech.Step 6: Review the information in Module 2 that covers strategies for giving effective dieback. The recommendations given in the lesson include the following: Begin th e critique by making a positive statement. Focus on select areas for improvement. Make your comments in an organized fashion. Provide specific feedback about what needs to be improved. Be honest, but respectful and tactful, in your comments. Personalized comments by indicating how you were influenced by the content or behavior, using â€Å"l† instead of â€Å"you. † Stress the positive aspects of the speech.Offer specific suggestions on how to correct a problem. Provide a plan of action for how to improve the next speech with examples. End the critique with a positive statement. Step 7: Use your speech evaluation table and guidelines for giving effective speech feedback to write a critique of the speech you selected. Enjoyed learning new information about a famous person in history, I found it hard not to look at the speaker moving her hands continuously. I was also unable to tell who this speech was designed for. Was this speech designed for an art class? Mental patie nts?Suicide prevention? It is unclear who should be the recipient of this speech. I was a bit confused but I still enjoyed the speech. Learning new things, seeing money very passionate about the message they are relaying and it was given in perfect sequence. Step 8: Review the information in the lesson that provides guidelines for handling feedback you receive from others. These guidelines include the following: Be sure to focus on what is being said about your speech and your presentation – not how it is being conveyed to you. Avoid taking the feedback personally or emotionally.When feedback is general or vague, seek out specific problems and suggestions from the feedback source. Evaluate the feedback provided using your critical thinking abilities. Prepare a plan of action for improving your speech and presentation skills prior to delivering the next speech. Step 9: Put yourself in the shoes of the presenter whose speech you watched and critiqued. Imagine that you are the s peaker who received the critique that you wrote. For each guideline you reviewed in Step 8, write a sentence or more that documents your thoughts about the critique comments and observations.How would you use the information, observations, and suggestions in the critique to deliver your speech more effectively? If I were the presenter and saw the feedback I Just wrote, I would say that I do understand, clarify whom the speech is supposed to be for and accept the hand gestures being Just a little too much. I would be happy to hear that someone gained a bit of knowledge from my presentation. I thinking back it would have been nice to see more visuals in the presentation but that is something that different people pick up information easier with. Step 10: Save and submit your document. Remember to use proper PAP Style.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Psychological and Physiological Effects of Stress-induced Stimuli Essay

Psychological and Physiological Effects of Stress-induced Stimuli - Essay Example Stress and human health often go hand-in-hand as much clinical research supports that each individual's response to stress has immediate, and sometimes long-term, effects on mental and biological health. The stress reponse is the reaction to stressors, or the events and circumstances that trigger sensations of pressure, frustration or anxiety. There are distinct biological and psychological changes that occur in an individual when exposed to stressful situations and, depending on the nature of the stressful event, the body's stress response can become more intense. Each individual maintains a variety of potential stressful stimuli, including life changes, work-related pressure or even self-induced stress brought on by psychological irrationality in which the individual maintains a self-defeating attitude towards their self value. There are any number of situations in which a person might feel overwhelmed by life situations, however, the response to the stress (whether catastrophic or perceived) varies in intensity based on each individual's ability to cope with the stressors. It is often the cognitive approach to coping with stress that makes the distinct difference between a healthy or a rather unhealthy stress response. Almost immediately after being exposed to a stressful si... Almost immediately after being exposed to a stressful situation, the brain's hypothalamus stimulates the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system and the adrenal glands to release stress hormones such as adrenaline and norepinephrine into the blood - leading to increases in heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and perspiration (Morris & Maisto, 2005). From a physiological standpoint, the stress Stress Response 4 response can be related to the physical, chemical effects on the body and the severity of long-term health effects vary by individual. A well-adjusted person, who purposefully recognises these physical changes when confronting stress, might begin a regimen of stress-relieving practices, such as meditation or breathing exercises, to bring the physiological effects down to a more controlled level. A person who is easily overwhelmed by stress may act inappropriately to these hormonal changes or become, in the long-term, a maladaptive person based on an inability to mentally cope with the stress. This indicates the relationship between the physical stress response and the psychological effects of long-term exposure to stress stimuli. Physiological Effects of Stress When the body recognises stress-related environments, the stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system affords the body an opportunity to perform vigorous muscle activity, suggesting that the biology of this stimulation is to prepare the body for increased activity; sometimes viewing stress as a perceived threat. The sympathetic nervous system increases arterial pressure and increases blood flow to active muscles, thus increasing glycolysis and increasing muscle strength (Loomis, 2005). Glycolysis, by simple definition, is a metabolic process that

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Global Negotiation Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Global Negotiation Strategies - Essay Example The parantara skill that often receives credit for driving business the Indonesian way stands out in the sense that it ensures neutrality between the interested parties throughout the negotiation process. Similarly, many Indonesians embrace the skill because it has other mechanisms of raising conflicting issues, thereby ascertaining that harmony prevails throughout the negotiation process. The event that the parantara skill of negotiation ascertains that there is no conflict throughout the negotiation process implies that it is effective. Its effectivity is similarly measured by the fact that it keeps the perceptions of the negotiating parties neutral throughout the process, hence resulting in a long-term association. To make sense out of negotiation as a whole, I looked into the reports of two of my classmates; one handled Saudi Arabia while the other dwelt on Belgium. I found the Saudi Arabian question interesting in that the parties are at liberty to be late for their discussions. On the other hand, it is uncalled for that negotiation in Saudi Arabia leave out mothers and women because they belong to the female gender (Cavusgil, 2002). Similarly, it is interesting to note that pointing of fingers is unacceptable while carrying out negotiations in Saudi Arabia. The Belgians on the other hand embrace Flemish and Wallon strategies of negotiations. Negotiations in Belgium often take an exploratory manner; thereby looking at all the available options before settling on one. It is of great significance to recognize the fact that the Belgian negotiation culture is flexible, hence making them ready to compromise their stance in order to find a solution to any problems that

Cautic oda Solutions Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Cautic oda Solutions - Case Study Example Cau'tic 'oda 'olution i' cla''ified by the U.'. Department of Tran'portation (DOT) and Tran'port Canada a' a Cla'' 8 (corro'ive material). The United Nation' Tran'portation of Dangerou' Good' (TPG) number i' 1824. 'ince mo't 'hipment' are tran'ported in tank truck' and tank car', only unloading guideline' for tank truck' and tank car' are di'cu''ed in thi' 'ection. For additional information on unloading barge', review Pamphlet 080 "Recommended Practice' for Handling 'odium Hydroxide 'olution and Pota''ium Hydroxide 'olution (Cau'tic) Barge'." Thi' pamphlet and additional re'ource material' can be purcha'ed through the Chlorine In'titute web 'ite or 'end your reque't via fax to (703) 741-6068. 'afety 'hower' and eyewa'h fountain' 'hould be conveniently located, clearly marked and readily acce''ible to per'onnel in area' where normal operation' or maintenance could expo'e per'onnel to cau'tic 'oda 'olution. 'afety 'hower' 'hould be located directly above the eyewa'h fountain'. 'elf-draining and heated 'afety 'hower' and eyewa'h 'tation' may be required in freezing condition'. 'afety 'hower' and eyewa'h fountain' 'hould be te'ted frequently for proper operation and e'pecially before work begin' in the vicinity. It i' recommended that a horn or other 'uch alarm device be in'talled at the 'afety 'hower 'o that it can be activated to 'ummon help if u'e of the 'afety 'hower and/or eyewa'h fountain become' nece''ary. Only unloading per'onnel who have been properly trained in the required 'afe handling and fir't aid procedure' for cau'tic 'oda 'olution 'hould be a''igned to cau'tic 'oda 'olution 'ervice. The unloading track (tank car) or roadway (tank truck) 'hould be level to a''ure all product i' removed. Once a tank car or tank truck i' 'potted, but prior to connecting, 'et the handbrake and chock the wheel'. Follow all appropriate federal or provincial regulation' for 'potting and unloading tank car' or tank truck'. 'uitable warning 'ign' 'hould be po'ted in the 'urrounding unloading area. Partly unloaded tank car' or tank truck' 'hould be moved with extreme caution. The high den'ity of 50% cau'tic 'oda 'olution, approximately 1.5 time' that of water, may cau'e ve''el in'tability during movement. The unloader 'hould confirm proper unloading line' which are dedicated to a cau'tic 'oda 'olution 'torage tank. Tank car' and tank truck' 'hould be connected, unloaded, and di'connected in daylight, if po''ible. Adequate lighting 'hould be provided if the'e operation' mu't be done at night. Before unloading, per'onnel 'hould confirm the 'torage tank i' properly vented, the vent line i' clear and open, and that the 'torage tank(') will hold the entire content' to be unloaded. Tank car' and tank truck' 'hould be unloaded over an appropriately de'igned 'pill containment area. Wa'h off all 'pillage from the tank car or tank truck thoroughly with water before return to Dow. Wa'h water 'hould be collected and properly di'po'ed. Billing Formula The total co't for 'hipped material (e.g., $/ton, 76% Na2O ba'i') i' then computed by multiplying the net ton' (or net kilo') of TA (76% Na2O ba'i') by the current price/ton. Note: The "76% Na2O ba'i'" include' all titratable 'odium, not ju't NaOH. In North America, 'tandard indu'try practice i' to price and bill cau'tic 'oda on a 'odium oxide {Na2O} ba'i'. Thi'

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Brokeback Mountain by Annie Proulx Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Brokeback Mountain by Annie Proulx - Essay Example It would be easy to read Brokeback Mountain as the story of gay men, situated in a time and place that had yet to come to terms with homosexuality. They are right, if possibly for the wrong reasons. Proulx does not idealize rural Wyoming; on the contrary she presents a textured picture of its beauty and its cruelty, its contradictions. Brokeback Mountain completes Proulx's emotional journey into the psyche of the macho Wyoming male by ripping away the masque of masculinity and revealing a sense of tenderness and longing to love that comes as a surprise even to the men who experience it. Male psyche is the central theme that focuses â€Å"Brokeback Mountain.† It is a very real and compassionate tale of two cowboys who unexpectedly found love in each other. The pain experienced by every character is believable as is the anger. Proulx is the narrator of â€Å"Brokeback Mountain†. The point of view of the story is third person omniscient. The narration is real in tone and e mploys description and dialogue to examine the actions, emotions and thoughts of the characters. Sentimental and Nostalgic Sides of Outwardly Tough Characters Male psyche is a predominant and recurrent theme of â€Å"Brokeback Mountain.† It nevertheless registers as a touching illumination of the sentimental and nostalgic sides of outwardly tough characters. In the story of a man whom she called â€Å"large, white, stumbling along, going nowhere,† she forged an endearingly sweet love story between unlikely partners, and against a backdrop of sudden violent deaths, insanity, and incest. She refines this ability to mix a poignant and unexpected romance with her trademark rough-mannered characters and unglamorous settings in the best story â€Å"Brokeback Mountain.† They part at the end of the summer, and both marry and start families soon thereafter, but over the next twenty years they rekindle their fierce erotic bond with increasing affection and emotional longi ng on infrequent â€Å"fishing trips.† Emotional journey of male psyche can be traceable everywhere in this short story. When Jack meets Alma, he announces that he too is married and has a baby boy. They talk of how they missed each other and Jack suggests that he married his wife, Lureen, because she came from a wealthy family. After a while, Ennis and Alma begin to grow apart and she starts to resent him for not finding a steady job, and always going with Jack on fishing trips. Eventually, they divorce and Alma remarries but stays in touch with Ennis and lets him visit their children. Proulx passes male characters through an emotional journey throughout the story. The protagonists of the story are Jack Twist and Ennis Del Mar. Proulx gives a good description of both stating â€Å"They were raised on small, poor ranches in opposite corners of the state, Jack Twist in Lightning Flat, up on the Montana border, Ennis del Mar from around Sage, near the Utah line, both high scho ol drop out country boys with no prospects, brought up to hard work and privation, both rough mannered, rough spoken, inured to the stoic life"(Proulx 74.) The antagonist of the story would be the locals and society for killing Jack because they didn’t find it acceptable for a man to be living with another man. Both Ennis and Jack changed because they were both very masculine,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Journalism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Journalism - Assignment Example It also helps students improve their learning tasks and objectively view news stories through proactive involvement with the people. Indeed, like other areas, citizen journalism can also be exploited by vested interests to promote biased views or inflammatory material. But news items from citizen journalists need to be whetted for credibility of the news and read skeptically. Most importantly, technology has considerably enhanced the reach of the citizen journalist whose stories gets wider readership than the hitherto used tools like pamphlets or local platforms. But the important fact is that citizen journalism offers mainstream population with innovative tools to expose shortcomings of the policies and programs of the government and private enterprises. It also brings together people with common interests to fight collectively against social ills or causes that are detrimental to the development of a region or nation. Hence, it plays important role in

Monday, September 23, 2019

Examine the view that marketing theory and concepts portrayed in the Essay - 2

Examine the view that marketing theory and concepts portrayed in the traditional marketing literature have only limited application in guiding small business ma - Essay Example of the products that are sold through the help and facilitation of distribution channels, word of mouth approaches and formation of brand personalities and so on and so forth. When it comes to an understanding of the working methodologies of small and large businesses, there is a direct change which is manifested as per their working mechanisms and related undertakings. What we aim to study is to discern the fact that small and large businesses do it differently both from the short term as well as in the long run. Thus kicking off the debate in the line of the business size, the first and foremost understanding is of delving into what marketing concept actually is. The sales concept is basically making sure a product is produced and hence sold through proper distribution channels while on the other hand a marketing concept entails the pre-production activities related with a product, selling and marketing it extensively when its on the shelves of the retail outlet and looking after the post purchase dissonance, if any there is found. Similarly, customer satisfaction would mean their retention and eventual further selling of the product. Hard sell of the product can come under the marketing concept but then again soft sell is a strategy that tries to smoothly get into the purchase cycles of its intended customers and hence make a sale. The evaluation of the marketing concept is made possible due to the hard line policies drafted by the people who were in charge of carrying out the sales concep t which was simply to produce a product and thus sell it, without gaining proper insight as to whether or not this product met the intended requirements of the customer or it had some defect which needed to be repaired at the earliest. Now the aspect of hard sell and soft sell could be equally true for the small and the large business entities since the small business cannot just focus on the soft sell approach as it has to get its message through to the relevant target

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Execution of the Rosenbergs Essay Example for Free

The Execution of the Rosenbergs Essay During the Cold War, Americans lived in a society where the tension between the Soviet Union was at its peak in history. It was a time when the hatred against communism and the idea of nationalism were growing exponentially. Meanwhile, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were arrested for the accusations of helping the Soviets create the atomic bomb, which was the United States’ only advantage over the Soviets. Their arrest eventually led to the first ever execution of espionage in United States history. However, the justification of their execution is still being debated to this day. Did the Rosenbergs deserve such a harsh sentence or was it a misjudgment driven by the fear of communism? The political and social aspects of society certainly directed the fear of communism to overshadow the innocence of the Rosenbergs, making them the most controversial spies in American history. During World War II, many countries including the Soviet Union were skeptical about the existence of the atomic bomb. However, after the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the strength of the atomic bomb became well-known. It was clear that as long as the United States had this weapon, no country would challenge them. This weapon was one of the few advantages the United States had against the Soviet Union going into the Cold War. It was as if the atomic bombs were the United States’ shield and armor against the Soviet Union’s attacks. Meanwhile, the power of communism was steadily rising in Eastern Europe and along with that, the American’s fear of communism was growing in parallel. â€Å"Communists were demonized; demons had no souls; no love in their hearts† (Garber/Walkowitz 25). The situation called for the â€Å"blueprint† of the atomic bomb to be safely put away from the communists. The U. S. overnment feared that the Soviet spies might get their hands on the secret information. However, it was only a matter of time that the Soviet Union would â€Å"somehow† develop its own atomic bomb†¦ Eventually on August 29th 1949, news was reported that the Soviets have successfully tested an atomic bomb in Kazakhstan. Americans were shocked, furious, and frightened. â€Å"When news came that the Soviets tested a bomb, years before it was expected, there were indeed many demagogic calls, in the media and on the stump, to find and severely punish, even execute, the thieves, the traitors† (Cohen 49). The American people did not stop to think once that the Soviet Union could have created the atomic bomb with their own power and technology. Most people just assumed that it was done through a work of spies that sold the secret information for money. Therefore, the government did not waste any time to find the person who was responsible for passing information about the atomic bomb. The growing fear of communism eventually reached its peak and the government was started taking actions to prevent any acts of espionage. After months of investigation by the FBI, Julius Rosenberg was called for questioning. He has previously been in communist groups and there were confessions from the Soviet spies that he was responsible for sending couriers and information from Los Alamos, where the Manhattan project was run. His wife, Ethel Rosenberg, was not accused at first because there was no proof of her activity in any illegal acts. She was only as a full time worker as a secretary and a mother of two kids. However, she was later called for questioning when her brother, David Greenglass, was also arrested for espionage. As the investigation went on, the media was starting to heat up and draw national attention to the Rosenbergs. The Rosenbergs were to be remembered the biggest scandal makers in U. S. history. As the fear of the Soviet Union grew after their development of the atomic bomb, the U. S. government was not going to let the investigation go smoothly. After multiple confessions from Soviet spies that Julius Rosenberg was responsible, he was sent to jail. A few months later, the FBI also arrested Ethel Rosenberg with the idea that she might have helped out her husband. The Rosenbergs were eventually both arrested and sent to court under Judge Kaufman. However, there were not enough evidence going into court that the Rosenbergs were legitimately guilty. â€Å"No documents linking the Rosenbergs with espionage were produced, despite a thorough search of their home by FBI agents, who placed in evidence only a collection can for the Spanish Refugee Appeal, licensed by the City of New York, found in their home† (Rosenberg 15). For this reason, the trial took a very long period of time. The only evidences going against the Rosenbergs were that David Greenglass and other Soviet spies have confessed to the Rosenbergs’ involvement in espionage. But even if there were any acts of espionage by the Rosenbergs, it was later revealed that none of the information that was passed by Julius Rosenberg was even useful in the development of the atomic bomb. If any information that was passed off was not useful, why punish or even kill that person? The trial was just a vicious circle between a couple of American civilians and a political bully that was blinded by war. If there was so much more supporting evidences for the Rosenbergs’ evidence, why did the United States government kept containing the Rosenbergs? It was all because the U. S. government did not want to seem weak in the eyes of the Soviet Union. Neither country wanted to show any weakness and lose the fight like in a boxing match where neither fighter wants to show their signs of fatigue and injury. Both countries tried to look stronger and richer than the other. â€Å"In turning down Ethels emotional appeals, Eisenhower said repeatedly that we could not appear weak† (Cohen 50). The Cold War was changing a lot of people’s views. Even President Eisenhower’s mentality shows how much he has lost the patience and the value of human beings because of the intensity of the war. Eventually on April 4th 1951, the Rosenbergs were sentenced to execution by Judge Kaufman. The final words of Judge Kaufman were cold and unsympathetic. â€Å"Your crime is worse than murder, for you put into the hands of the Russians the A-bomb years before our best scientists predicted Russia would perfect the bomb has already caused, in my opinion, the Communist aggression in Korea, with the resultant casualties exceeding 50,000 and who knows but what that millions more innocent people may pay the price of your treason. Indeed, by your betrayal, you undoubtedly have altered the course of history to the disadvantage of our country† (Wexley 67). In an important case like this, it is essential for the judge to consider all the evidence that is brought up in the case, but instead, Judge Kaufman ignored the evidences that supported the Rosenbergs. The judge was under too much control of President Eisenhower and the American government. Also, many believe that blaming the Rosenbergs for the cause and deaths of the Korean War was way over the top. A crime in that type of scale cannot be proven in court, which makes this trial a â€Å"scandal† more than an actual â€Å"crime†. And yet the Judge stated the â€Å"unproven crime† in the final sentence and considered it in the Rosenbergs’ execution. Judge Kaufman blamed them for the Korean War, and President Eisenhower held them responsible for the slaughter in any possible future nuclear war with the Soviet Union. These extreme accusations were never authenticated and, while there is no law requiring, they should have been† (Root 292). There was simply no proof that the Rosenbergs were responsible for all these tragedies. Although they were Americans with communist views, they were only a small percentage of the communist population in the United States during that time period. Also, the United States being involved in the Korean War was solely the government’s decision. Having to say that a future nuclear war is entirely their fault is too much of an overstatement to make on two innocent civilians who were just sentenced to death. Looking back fifty years from now, the media was also very biased and reported false information about the Rosenbergs that had significant impact on the ruling of the death sentence. â€Å"It is imperative that the true facts be known to all. Sadly, the information in the press and other mass media is not the truth, but instead is a distorted, truncated, myopic aberration of our case. It is clear that the primary use being made of our case is to coerce political dissident, and to secure conformity† (Rosenberg 132). That was a quote taken from an actual letter written by Ethel Rosenberg to her husband right before their execution. Telling from the tone of the letter, the Rosenbergs were despaired from the way the media was reporting false information and making the trial even harder for them. The media has always been an key factor on political and social issues. Because of the growing fear of communism, the media did not want to promote communism and espionage in any way to the public. As a result, the Rosenbergs were once again victims of the biased society and its false reporting media. The media was not the only influence on the social bias against the Rosenbergs. Many books were published to summon up the American’s anger against the Rosenbergs at that time. For example, there was the book, â€Å"Betrayers: the Rosenberg Case – a reappraisal of an American crisis† and â€Å"The Rosenberg Case: Fact and Fiction†, which was published on the same year of the execution. One of the quotes from the book was â€Å"Yes. The Rosenbergs’ case is ended, but the evil that they did is endless† ( Fineberg 148). If the evil that they did is endless like the author said in his book, there would certainly have been a nuclear war or a World War III by today, in the year 2008. However, that is not the case. The Soviet Union was surely to develop the atomic bomb with its own resources and power but all the blame went to the Rosenbergs in this state of affairs. The Rosenbergs were though not all alone through the fight in trial and against the coercion by the politicians. Soon after the death sentence by Judge Kaufman, countries all over the world protested the sentence. â€Å"Seemingly overnight, the whole world rose in protest against the death sentences that had been imposed on Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. By then end of the year, there were pro-Rosenberg committees in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, Ireland, Israel, and of course- Eastern Europe. † ( Radosh/Milton 347) Powerful leaders were forming organizations and committees to convince the United States to set the Rosenbergs free. Also, there were famous individuals who were protesting against the death sentence. Even the main creator of the atomic bomb, Albert Einstein, believed that the United States government was killing innocent lives in the fight against the Soviet Union. â€Å"An appeal for executive clemency was sent to the White house, supported by many prominent Americans, including scientist Albert Einstein, Dr. Harold C. Urey and more than 3,000 clergymen of 26 denominations† (Rosenberg 18). This would have had significant support for the Rosenbergs in trial but the media was once again preventing it from happening. These protests were not broadcasted to the public because of the biased media. However, the protests did not end there. Millions of petitions from all over the world were being sent to the White house. The world believed that the Rosenbergs should not end up being â€Å"political victims† of the meaningless war. â€Å"Millions of people view the refusal of the courts to grant the Rosenbergs relief as an affirmation of our insistence after nearly two years in the death hours that we are political victims of the Cold War† (Rosenberg 126). Despite all these protests and petitions, the government stuck to their belief that the Rosenbergs deserved the death sentence. But why were the allies of the United States protesting against the United States? Why was the United States not listening to anyone but themselves? Once again, the political leaders of the United States were too blinded by their focus to win the Cold War against the Soviet Union. Realistically, would the Rosenbergs have received the death sentence if they did not live during the Cold War era? They would have certainly received a much lighter sentence if they lived in today’s time period. This was the thought of Dorothy Thompson, a former journalist of Times magazine. Dorothy Thompson has once stated that: â€Å"The death sentence†¦ depressed me†¦ in 1944 we were not at war with the Soviet Union†¦. Indeed, it is unlikely that had they ( the Rosenbergs) been tried in 1944 they would have received any such sentence† (Rosenberg 9). 1944 was certainly that time in history where any act of espionage was not forgiven by society. If anyone was suspected to be a spy, they would be immediately called to questioning. Historians refer to this period as almost like the â€Å"witch hunt† era in Salem driven by â€Å"McCarthyism,† a strong idea of anti-communism that was popular at the time. The â€Å"massive witch hunt† eventually led to the Rosenbergs, which shows that the social aspects during the Cold War era had a biased impact on the ruling of the trial. Behind all the accusations, there was an individual who made the scandal even more controversial. His name was Klaus Fuchs and he was one of the main nuclear scientists that developed the atomic bomb during the Manhattan Project. It is still believed to this day that Klaus Fuchs sold important secrets of the atomic bomb to the Soviets for money. Even history books are being written over again about his betrayal. â€Å"In England, Klaus Fuchs, the German-born scientist who provided the Soviets with far more accurate and useful information on the atomic bomb than anything that might have come from the Rosenbergs, got only 14 years† (Cohen 48). For someone who obviously provided more information to the Soviet Union, it is certainly not fair that Klaus Fuchs only received 14 years in prison. How did this happen? We can see that Klaus Fuchs was ruled a lighter sentence because he was trialed in England. Although England was our closest ally, they did not see any justification that Klaus Fuchs should receive a sentence of anything more than 14 years. Therefore, just because the Rosenbergs were trialed in the United States, they had to end their lives. 14 years in prison and being electrocuted to death is definitely a huge difference; one is given a second chance to live and one is put to death. For a certainty, the Rosenbergs would have received a much lighter sentence in England. It is an embarrassment of the court to say that the only justification for Julius and Ethel Rosenberg’s death is that they were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Another huge controversy of the scandal is the death of Ethel Rosenberg. The reason the scandal is called â€Å"the Rosenbergs Case† is because both Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed for being accused of committing the same crime. However, years after the execution, there were a lot of speculations to why Ethel had to suffer the consequences for something her husband was caught doing. It was later revealed that the FBI was using her as a â€Å"lever† to force Julius Rosenberg to confess to his acts of espionage. â€Å"Hoovers biographer suggests that the Director now regretted the strategy of using Ethel as a lever to induce Julius to confess, and thought that it would be terrible public relations to execute a mother of two young children† (Aiuto 5). It became obvious that Ethel Rosenberg did not commit any crime or spied for the Soviet Union. She was only caught up in the accusation because her brother, David Greenglass, and her husband, Julius Rosenberg, were both spies in the past. The FBI saw her as a useful â€Å"tool† to threaten her husband also they arrested her along with him. Because of the FBI’s cruel and brainless strategy, a mother of two sons had to rot in jail and die on the electric chair. â€Å"Julius went to his death pale, shaken, but quietly. Ethels execution was to follow, and she walked calmly to the electric chair, gently kissed one of the prison matrons on the cheek, and was electrocuted. However, Ethel was not dead after the first jolt. She had to be electrocuted a second time† (Aiuto 11). According to this article, Ethel had to be electrocuted â€Å"twice† before she was killed. The irony of her second electrocution will forever remembered as a symbolism to her evident innocence. Being the first ones in American history to be executed for espionage, the Rosenbergs did not deserve the death sentence. Although they were communists living in the United States, there was no significant evidence that they were responsible for the Soviet Union’s ownership of the atomic bomb. They were unfortunate to live in the time period of anti-communism and in the country that was in war with a communist state. In political aspects, the government was only interested in using the Rosenbergs to scare the Soviets and display its strength and power. In social aspects, the media constantly reported false information and the people of America were too biased to believe that the accused communist spies deserved anything less than the death penalty. Many factors played against the trial of the Rosenbergs that led to the unfair trial of the Rosenbergs case but they will be remembered as those who were innocent victims of the Cold War’s political and social defeciency.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Scientific Thinking And The Scientific Method Philosophy Essay

Scientific Thinking And The Scientific Method Philosophy Essay The scientific method is a way that allows us to justify scientific knowledge and decide whether the information we are given is reliable or not. So, what is reliable knowledge? In Scientific Thinking and the Scientific Method, Steven D. Schaferman mentions Reliable Knowledge is knowledge that has a high probability of being true because its veracity has been justified by a reliable method. For example, people have their own knowledge and beliefs; however, not all peoples knowledge and beliefs are reliably true. Therefore, scientific thinking aids people to determine if their knowledge is reliable and justified. To demonstrate, scientists practice scientific thinking in order to discover the globe and nature; nevertheless, scientific thinking is not only for scientists. As a matter of fact, when one practices the methods of scientific thinking, one is practicing critical thinking. Schaferman says Critical thinking is thinking correctly for oneself that successfully leads to the most reliable answers to questions and solutions to problems. Obviously, knowledge is not limited to the study of nature, but to all aspects of life and society. As a matter of fact, the scientific method proved to be the most successful and reliable method of thinking in human history. As a result, scientific thinking and critical thinking are being taught at schools. Indeed, if you master their skills, you will reach to reliable conclusions and think successfully Schafersman says. The scientific method is composed of three things: empiricism, rationalism, and skepticism. These components are considered focal to scientific and critical thinking. Empiricism is the use of empirical evidence which is evidence that is susceptible to ones senses such as seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling. The importance of empirical evidence is that it is testable by others. Therefore, your claims are tested by others and yourself. However, there is a lot of evidence that are not considered as empirical evidence due to their unreliability. Testimonial evidence, revelatory evidence, and spectral evidence, evidence manifested by supernatural entitles, are examples of unreliable evidence. On the contrary, authoritarian evidence is reliable only if the authority is reliable. Therefore, one must check if the authority is trustworthy; moreover, empirical evidence, critical thinking, and logical reasoning should be validated before considering the authority reliable. However, Schafersman says you must be your own authority and rely on your powers of critical thinking. But, we cant receive a proper education without depending on authoritati ve evidence. To demonstrate, we learned from our parents to listen and obey authorities; peoples that relied on authorities decisions had a higher percentage of survival and it is the most accurate and quickest in passing information. Naturalism, on the other hand, is empirical evidence. Schafersman quotes the universe exists as science says it does.' Indeed, there is a strong bond between science and natural evidence. To sum up, empirical evidence is crucial because not only does it make people observe what you claim in order to be reliable, but also it makes you practice the scientific method. Rationalism, on the other hand, is another method of practicing the scientific method. Rationalism is defined as the practice of logical reasoning. In fact, logic allows the person to reason correctly. For instance, critical thinkers and scientists use logical reasoning. However, logical reasoning is not easily learned. To elaborate, scientists and critical thinkers spent years learning and practicing logical reasoning because it requires you to struggle with your will. The fact is logical reasoning forces the person to deny his feelings which is painful. Unfortunately, people link logical reasoning with wishful, emotional, and hopeful thinking. As a result, people must learn how to think logically and the best way to it is by studying educational courses that forces you to use logic. As a matter of fact Practice makes perfect. Last but not least, skepticism is the final key of practicing the scientific method. The questioning of your claims and conclusions in imperative Schafersman says. He also elaborates that good scientists their arguments, and evidence. One must question the reliability of knowledge. For instance, one can test his beliefs against objective reality by prediction the outcome. If your assumptions are correct, your beliefs are reliable knowledge. The fact is that many people claim that skeptics are closed minded, but they are not. Skeptics decline to change their beliefs except if there is reliable evidence to what people claim. However, if there are reliable evidence to claims against their beliefs, they change their opinion. Definitely, one must decide what to believe and what not to believe. Empiricism, rationalism, and skepticism are the keys of using the scientific method; however, observations, data, and theories are important, but are not parts of the scientific method. Indeed, practicing the scientific method is integral. First, one should ask a question in which it can have an answer. Then, one should gather information in order to answer his question. Afterwards, he proposes solutions which is called hypothesis. Consequently, he examines these hypotheses. If it is correct, then his information is reliable. If it fails, he must modify or change his hypothesis. Finally, one must construct support to his theory. Indeed, the scientific method helps us in distinguishing reliable knowledge unlike any other method.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Internet and Personal Privacy Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Essays

Internet and Personal Privacy In the world of today most records can be easily accessed by a home computer. Even Governmental records can be viewed. Some believe this has benefits, while others are screaming about invasion of privacy. Heated debates can go on for many hours about this topic. Each side has people who devote all their time and energy to see their side of the argument prevail. The Freedom of Information Act which was established in 1966 states that all people shall have access to federal records. This allows the public to be kept abreast of the workings in the government. Any person may request a document, which the government must present, however, the government can not synthesize a document. It is even possible to order these records on the World Wide Web. The father of the Freedom of Information Act, John E. Moss, "believed that citizens have a right to the information gathered with their tax money and that enforcing that right is essential to maintaining a democracy. " There are many types of records, which can be obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, and most can be viewed with a computer. Many believe this empowers people. Yet, there are many people who do not understand the powers that are granted with the Freedom of Information Act. The church of Scientology has taken on the responsibility of informing people. The church does not only inform the citizens of the United States, but also peoples of other countries. On the side for freedom of information is Attorney James H. Lesar, "Lesar is widely recognized as one of the nation’s preeminent attorneys in the Freedom of Information arena. " He "has obtained the release of approximately 1 million pages of documents, primarily from the ... ...ights Leadership Profile: James H. Lesar, Crusader for Freedom of Information. [Online]. Available: [2001. March 5]. Electronic Privacy Information Center. (1999). In Open Government. [Online]. Available: [2001. March 5]. Export-Import Bank of the United States. (2001). In Freedom of Information Act. [Online]. Available: [2001. March 5]. National Information Infrastructure Task Force. (1997). Options for Promoting Privacy on the National Information Infrastructure. [Online]. Available: [2001. March 5]. Welch, S. & Gruhl, J. & Comer, J. & Rigdon, S. & Steinman, M. (1999). American Government (7th ed.). California: West/Wadsworth. This document may be accessed at

Thursday, September 19, 2019

When Worlds Collide Essay -- Culture Anglo Saxon Essays

When Worlds Collide The world of Beowulf and that of modern America have some interesting similarities. The Anglo- Saxon belief in "wyrd," or fate, is alive and well in the 21st century. Like the Anglo- Saxons, our culture regards the crime of killing one’s own kin or family to be the most heinous of all. Americans love entertainment just as much as the Anglo- Saxons of Beowulf’s time did. Of course, with our modern technology like movies, television, and the Internet, we are allowed to experience many more methods of enjoyment than medieval people were able to enjoy. However, their culture is remembered through portions of our popular culture. Within its pages, Beowulf contains the notion of â€Å"wyrd.â€Å" This is the Anglo- Saxon concept of fate, the idea that everything is destined or planned to happen. The Anglo- Saxon people believed that everything was predetermined and that all their fates were already fixed. Beowulf says to Unferth that â€Å"Fate often saves an undoomed man when his courage is good,†(p.12) meaning that fate may save a warrior if he has true courage. In modern- day America, this idea of fate is similar to the idea of having ‘an angel on your shoulder.’ Many of the people who survived the September 11th tragedy did so by missing their train that day or getting struck in traffic. One gentleman who worked high up in the first tower surfed down twelve flights of stairs as the building collapsed and survived with only a broken leg. Some believe that it was just chance or a random thing, but many believe that it was fate that saved them, the idea being that some other force had pl ans for these people and that their time on this earth was not yet over. In Beowulf’s time, the w... ... Lord of the Rings, originally a trilogy of books written by J.R.R. Tolkien, pays respect to the ancient culture and ways of the Norse people, with their traditions of oral story telling and epic quests embedded within the story’s plot. These similarities show where some of our roots as Americans come from. Our culture is a massive patchwork quilt of various cultures and ethnicity. There are strong strains of this ancient culture running through our modern society. Beowulf is only one example of the Anglo- Saxon literature we possess today, but from it, we obtain more of what their culture was and we keep some these values alive in our own ways. Works Cited Associated Press. â€Å"Doctor: Yates felt she had no choice.† 5 March 2002. Howe, Nicholas ed. Beowulf: A Prose Translation. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2002.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Ironic Title of The Great Gatsby Essay -- Great Gatsby Essays

The Ironic Title of The Great Gatsby      Ã‚   Titling is a very important part of the fiction-writing process. It is important for authors to be careful in choosing their titles because the titles often can have great influence on certain aspects of the story. In the book, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the title was formulated with the intention of heightening characterization through the use of irony. When readers start to read this novel, they immediately see a man who seems very glamorous and powerful while they have already been predisposed to seeing him in an alluring light due to the book's title. However, this perception of Gatsby is eventually completely transformed as Fitzgerald continuously divulges the flaws within Gatsby and his way of life. Having given his book the title, The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald has created a level of irony that enhances Gatsby's character and serves as a basis of contrast between how Gatsby appears to an outsider and what he really is.    F. Scott Fitzgerald was very clever in choosing the word "great" in describing such a complex character as Jay Gatsby. It is clear that this word is being used facetiously as Fitzgerald continuously reveals more and more weakness within Gatsby. At first glance, Gatsby is portrayed as glamorous and magnificent. The reader himself learns to appreciate this man who is the classic example of an American hero- someone who has worked his way up the social and economic ladder. He is a man who has completely invented his own, new, inflated image. Throughout the novel, this glorified facade is slowly peeled away. Gatsby eventually gets killed in pursuit of romance with the beautiful, superficial socialite, Daisy Buchanan. Havi... ...ed because there is a reflection of an even stronger idea of false glamour to add onto that revealed in the text. The irony of the title of this book is another thing that makes it so great and out of the ordinary. Fitzgerald was a pioneer in bringing to light the flaws within the American Dream. By writing The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald successfully revealed the typically overlooked downside to striving for perfection.    Work Cited Bewley, Marius. "Scott Fitzgerald's Criticism of America." Twentieth Century Interpretations of The Great Gatsby.   Ed. Ernest Lockridge. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968. 37-53. Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. London: Penguin Books, 1990. Trilling, Lionel. "F. Scott Fitzgerald." Critical Essays on Scott Fitzgerald's "Great Gatsby." Ed. Scott Donaldson. Boston: Hall, 1984. 13-20.   

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Comparing Disneys(r) Beauty & the Beast and Mulan

In my opinion, the role of Disney has remained unchanged for over a period of 30 years. Their main values still remain the same: good triumphs over evil and everyone lives happily ever after. Beauty & the Beast, a classic, and Mulan, a contemporary, both share these values as well. I will now compare the 2 animated feature films. Both the films have the same narrative structure. They follow the Todorovs' theorem: Equilibrium –> Disruption –>Journey –> Test –> New Equilibrium. * They both start off with an establishing shot of the heroines and introduces them through a musical score. In B & B (Beauty & the Beast), we see the establishing shot of Belles' house + town and the camera zooms in to Belle. In Mulan, we see something similar. We see Mulan introduced by an establishing shot and then the camera zooms in on her. She then introduces herself and her life/aspirations through a musical score. In Mulan, we also see that Mulan is introduced through the same way. However, we don't directly start off with a song describing her but later on we do hear a song brewed after her visit to the matchmaker. * Both the heroines are very bright, intelligent and brave. They are also unconventional and don't conform to societies' view of a woman. In B & B, we see Belle, during the opening song/introduction, reading a book and then makes her way to the library. Through her conversation with the librarian we learn that she's really keen on reading and this is the only way she gets in touch with the person that she wants to be. So the librarian gives her this book as a present. â€Å"It's my favorite! Far-off places, daring sword fights, magic spells, a prince in disguise †¦ Oh, thank you very much!† Also, during the introduction song, we hear the villagers' views' on Belle and her lifestyle. We hear the fat woman saying about how beautiful Belle is and that she's very bright also. But she's wasting her life on books and she should get married rather. We then see 3 village girls pumping water out of a water-pump. As we can see, they all look the same; they all have blonde hair and blue eyes. Typical. This is purposely set to show Belle in contrast to the â€Å"normal† girls, hence, proving my point. In Mulan, we see her running through a list of characteristics. Her father is also praying to his ancestors to help her find a husband and bring honour to the house. This establishes her uniqueness from the other girls as well. Later on when she goes to the matchmaker, she hides the characteristics in order so that the matchmaker wouldn't see it. This also shows that she doesn't conform with the women of her time and is more manlike. Later on in the film, we see where the Huns are charging at Shang Li and his band of soldiers, which includes Mulan. We see a pan-shot of the Huns charging down the mountain. Shang Li and his men have only one rocket. We see him, Shang Li, then trying to fire the rocket into the Hun army whilst saying, â€Å"we'll take out as many as we can†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . This is a typical Chinese soldier. Mulan snatches the rocket away and runs away from the men. She then fires the rocket at the peak of another mountain, which is to the right of the unsuspecting, charging Huns. This causes and avalanche and buries the Huns under a thick blanket of snow. However, the leader of the Huns reaches Mulan and slashes her with his sword before also being buried in the snow. This scene shows that she's brave and also intelligent. She uses her brain to cause the Huns more damage then Shang Li would, with his version of â€Å"fight till death†. * Both the heroines are prepared to sacrifice their lives for their father and, indeed, do. In B & B, when Belle's father is locked up in the beasts' castle, she goes out venturing to find him. She tells the horse to revisit its' footsteps and take her to the place where her father is. In due time, she enters the dark, scary castle. She finds her way to the dungeon, in a great co-incidence, she finds her father locked in. Also, at that moment, the beast reveals himself. (This also proves my previous point that she's brave because she didn't run away or sth like that†¦). Anyway, she interacts with the beast and asks him why did he imprison her father and to let him go cause he's sick. The beast refuses and tells her that he's his prisoner and will do as he pleases. She then offers him herself in lieu of her fathers' freedom and safe return back home. The beast accepts. The same is the case in Mulan. She sacrifices herself when the emperor's messenger declares that a man from each house should join the army to defend against the Huns. * All of the males in both films are portrayed in a negative image. In B & B, we see Gaston in the beginning musical score/introduction, introduced as arrogant and self-centered. We first see him as he shoots down a goose, which was regarded to be very manly in those days, and start to song about him and Belle. He says that she's the only one fit to marry for him as she is the only parallel to his beauty and that she's very lucky that he's selected her. He's a stereotypical hero; massive build, handsome, arrogant and fancied by all the girls in town. He's a parody of the heroes out there. But further on in the film, when Belle refuses to marry him, he vows to make her marry him through any means. This â€Å"evil† statement is also supported through the music. Also, after Belle shows the mirror to the townspeople to prove that her father is telling the truth, he uses his preplanned scheme to try and force Belle for the last time to marry him or he'll make the hospital take his father away to the mental institute. In Mulan, we see Shang Li portrayed as a hero as well; brave and fearless, a good leader, wise and captain of his military squad. But, he isn't as bright as Mulan is, as I have explained above in my 2nd point. Also, we see the other 3 men that Mulan hangs around with. They're dirty, sweaty and ill mannered. * Both the heroines find the â€Å"their man† in the end of the film, the best man. In B& B, we see Belle in the end with the former â€Å"beast† who has now turned back into the prince he was with all his wealth and splendor. She gets him rather than the Gaston, who is also handsome and praised by everyone in the village. In Mulan, at the end of the film we see Shang Li approach Mulan's father, supposedly, to ask her hand because we hear the emperor commenting to him about the â€Å"once in a lifetime† opportunity he has at hand, which chiefly means ‘marry her'. Also, they live happily ever after. In B & B, we see the Belle and the prince dancing in a ballroom, smiling and kissing. Also, the close-ups underline this. Mrs. Pots sings a romantic song, which also reflects the atmosphere. In Mulan, Mulan is reunited with her family and all is forgiven. Shang Li also comes into the scene, to marry her supposedly. Then the camera zooms out and reveals the picturesque scenery implying the happy atmosphere also. Similar beginnings and endings. Both Mulan and B & B start off with a similar equilibrium, then along comes a disruption and causes a change in their lives, because they go on a journey of self-discovery. Ends in ‘happily ever after' mode. (REF: Todorov's Theorem)

Monday, September 16, 2019

Family Stress and Their Relation to Academic Performance

Chapter I The Problem and Its Background Introduction The term stress had none of its contemporary connotations before the 1920s. It is a form of the Middle English destresse, derived via Old French from the Latin stringere, â€Å"to draw tight. † It had long been in use in physics to refer to the internal distribution of a force exerted on a material body, resulting in strain. In the 1920s and 1930s, the term was occasionally being used in biological and psychological circles to refer to a mental strain, unwelcome happening, or, more medically, a harmful environmental agent that could cause illness.Stress plays a role in the body, behavior and feelings of people. Stress comes in many forms. Things like our environment, physiological well being, thoughts and social stresses and stress inside our homes can have an effect on learning Stress, particularly family related stress can have an impact on a student’s academic performance. College students have many obstacles to o vercome in order to achieve their finest academic performance. Different stressors such as time management, financial problems, sleep deprivation; social activities can all pose their own threat to a student’s academic performance.The way that academic performance is measured is through the ordinal scale of general weighted average (GWA). A student’s GWA determines many things such as class rank. Much research has been done looking at the correlation of many stress factors that college students’ experience and the effects of stress on their GWA. There are many factors that can cause stress and influence a student’s academic performance and therefore affect his or her overall GWA.A college student may find him or herself in a juggling act, trying to support a family, taking care of job responsibilities, and at the same time trying to make the most of the college career. All of these factors can affect the grades of students, which ultimately affect the res t of their lives. Conceptual Framework Stress is a large part of everyday life. Most stress occurs at busiest moment like at home. It’s one of the most common places for stress to build. Nevertheless stress is unavoidable.According to Marilyn Wedge, a family therapist, stressful situations at home like a parent losing a job, an illness, marital discord, or even conflicts about day-to-day issues may be troubling to a child without the parents even being aware of it. And often children go about trying to solve the family problem in the only way they know which may the cause of stress and, subconsciously or not, the children tend to bring the family problem outside home making the situation worst. These changes can cause health problems if experienced to frequently. If a child is stress the body responds negatively to it.The body often becomes worn down making it more susceptible to becoming sick. Depending on how serious the stress, can determine the severity of its impact. The brain, nerves, and central nervous system interpret stress. There are several side effects that occur from stress. Insomnia is another factor that stress may bring on. This occurs when a child is disrupted with thoughts and questions that drive them crazy and cause an inability to sleep. Chronic pain, headaches and backaches can be stress induced when under pressure. The muscles in these areas become tense under stress.Heart problems are the most common side effect. The pain felt in the chest is tension caused by an oxygen shortage to the heart. Heart attacks occur due to high blood pressure and can be fatal. Some behaviors that child takes part in to reduce or cope with stress may also bring on heart problems. Stress can also hurt emotionally as with depression. Research paradigm is shown on Figure 1. This included the input, the process, and the output. The input contains the profile of the 2nd year Accountancy students of De La Salle Araneta University, the family stress they en counter, and their academic performance.In the process, questionnaires were distributed and observations were conducted to gather relevant information from the respondents. It also included the analy -sis and evaluation of the gathered data and information from the respondents. The output consists of the findings about the effect of family stress to academic performance of the respondents. Figure 1: The schematic paradigm used in the study. Statement of the Problem The purpose of the study was to identify the effects of family stress to the second year accountancy students of De La Salle Araneta University regards to their academic performance.Specifically, the study aims to answer the following questions: a. How may the profile of the second year accountancy students of De La Salle Araneta University be described in terms of gender? b. What are the family experiences/stress and the academic performance base on GWA of the respondents? c. Is there a significant difference between mal e and female students in handling family stress? d. Is there any relationship between family stress and the academic performance of the respondents? HypothesisFamily-related stress has no significant effect on the academic performance of second year Accountancy students at De La Salle Araneta University. Scope and Delimitation This research is delimited only to preparation and evaluation of stress level aimed at correlating the family related stress and academic performance of students through their GWA. The students were asked to complete a survey, including the perceived stress scale. Along with this test the students were asked to complete a demographic data sheet that asked questions such as age and gender, and also their classes and grades the prior semester.The respondents are thirty college Accountancy sophomore students of De La Salle Araneta University (which includes 8 boys and 22 girls) during the 1st semester of academic year 2012-2013. The respondents are chosen randoml y from a block section of Accountancy. Significance of the Study The researchers intend to show the impact of family related stress in the academic performance of second year Accountancy students of De La Salle Araneta University through their General Weighted Average (GWA).Moreover this study, address itself to: the students that they may understand the impact of family related stress in their academic performance and eventually help themselves , to the professors that they may observe the behavior of students and help them through guidance and referral to the University Guidance Office for help, to families, specially the parents and the guardians that they may help their family member cope with stress from its roots (family related stress) and bring out their optimum academic performance, and to interested people in the academe and community that they may gain insights on this research to help people around them understand the possible impact of family-related stress to the acade mic performance of a student, and to other interested individuals that they may find knowledge on this research. Definition of Terms To further understand this research, below are terms used in the research.GWA (General Weighted Average). It is a term that refers to the average of grades in all subjects taken, whether passed or failed. It is the result of combining the performance rating based on the screening criteria or subject. It serves as the indicator of a student's academic performance in a given semester or school year. Stress. It is a term that defined as an organism's total response to environmental demands or pressures. When stress was first studied in the 1950s, the term was used to denote both the causes and the experienced effects of these pressures. More recently, however, the word stressor has been used for the stimulus that provokes a stress response.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Psychology Ch 6 Answer to Study Guide

Chapter 6: 1. From an operant conditioning perspective, it is important for parents to â€Å"catch kids being good† and praise them. In operant condition we learn based on the action and consequence. For example, parents tell their kids to clean their room. Then when they clean up their room, we give them candy or money. Another example would be when parents see their children or pets doing something good without having to tell them, in result they reward them. Children will soon do it all the time on their own. This is so difficult to do because after a while they will always expect a reward or praise after doing something good. 2.A normal fear of mines our be my fear of dogs. I consider it a normal fear because my neighbor use to always get a pit-bull and they would always get loose whenever he wasn’t at home. So we couldn’t go outside or do anything fun. For example, one day we miss school one morning because the dog was loose and my sister and I was afraid it would attack us. A fear of mines that I think is a phobia is Arachnophobia and Astraphobia. The fear of spiders and lightning. I really don't remember how I develop these fears, but every time I see a spider I run the opposite direction. When it lightning I do not go outside or in a room with lots of windows.However, I do remember how I develop my fear of dogs. When I was little my grandmother use to say if you be bad that dog is going to bit you. At this time my uncle was staying with my grandmother and he had two big dogs that was supposal harmless. 3. I agree that all this talk about the negative effects of violence on TV and in video games is an over reaction. Parents should monitor what their children are expose to. Simply, because the violence they see can lead some people to think and believe that its okay do the same thing in real life. The video games that they play only make them more curious.For example, my mom would tell us not to disobey my grandmother while she was wa y at work. So my sister and brother would wait until our grandma would fall asleep to watch what we wanted to. My mother had told us not to watch so much TV, because most of the TV shows had violence and a lot of other things she didn’t want us to be watching or hear. So my brother decided not to listen and watch and practice what he saw on tv. On day my mother caught him practicing what he saw and hear. Chapter 11 Journal 4. The most dominant part of my personality is my ego. The ego because based on Freud examples in the book and his explanation.Pushing myself to do something like the ID. Instead of, feeling guilty and tell myself not to think of it anymore. Um like the ego, always have a plan in case something goes wrong. Especially when I do something wrong. I mostly experience neurotic anxiety, according to Freud. Freud Wald says, I develop neurotic anxiety when my id gets out of control and my ego cant help it. I have no control over my id. 5. One time I was babysitting my two little cousin. I knew I wasn’t suppose to take them out and let them watch a scary movie. I figure they was already sick and it saw very cold outside and raining.In this situation I used my id and developed moral anxiety. After that they had caught pneumonias and I felt really guilty. Behaviorist would new this event as an experience and next time I would do it again. 6. The behaviorist and social learning theories is the theory of personality from this chapter that better explain my personality. I say this because their behavior is determine. Our personality structure is based on habits and expectances and our barriers to personal growth is an maladaptive habits, and unhealthy environment. Chapter 13 Journal: 1. If I was suffering from a major depression, I would consider taking an anti-depression.Because I would like to feel normal, and not so depress all the time. Plus, major depression can create suicide thoughts. Yes, if I was a diabetic or having a heart or live r problems. I would take medications for these conditions. I really don’t know about this one but probably because the others issues can cause more serious problems and we wouldn’t really know when our brains are broken. 2. Yes, we can expect that the incidence of schizophrenia to risk. I say this because according to the book, it says that one of the cause of schizophrenia environment.In environment, the problem is the victim has been expose to violence, sexual abuse, death, divorce, separation. Which mostly comes from dysfunctional families. But not everyone that are exposed to these living conditions will be schizophrenia. 3. I feel that it is a good idea to force mentally ill homeless people into an institutional setting and treat them for their own good even if they refused the treatment. Simply because they can hurt themselves and others around them. No one should want or let someone who post a harm to themselves and others around them to wondering around.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

How does Fitzgerald tell the story in Chapter 5 of “Great Gatsby”? Essay

During chapter 5 Gatsby is reunited with Daisy and it becomes clear to the reader that Gatsby’s emotional frame is out of sync with the passage of time as the novel explores the coming of love of the past into the present. The chapter starts with the return of Nick from his date with Jordan whose relationship seems very impersonal and surface deep compared and contrasted to the passionate and fulfilling relationship of that of Gatsby and Daisy that is addressed and unpicked during chapter 5. Nick describes Jordan to have a ‘disembodied face’ and a ‘wan, scornful mouth’ which give her a ghost like quality suggesting a transparent and empty liaison. Nick returns home to find Gatsby’s house all lit up ‘from tower to cellar’ and believes Gatsby is having another extravagant party, Nick walks over to investigate and on his way is startled by Gatsby. Nick invites Gatsby to have tea with himself and Daisy the ‘day after tomorrowâ₠¬â„¢, at this Gatsby becomes very alarmed and nervous about meeting Daisy. This brings to light Gatsby’s feelings towards Daisy and the subject becomes a sensitive one; this foreshadows their romantic connection later on in the chapter. When Gatsby first meets Daisy he is wearing a ‘silver shirt and gold coloured tie’ the colours silver and gold are closely related to wealth and this illustrates how eager he is to show Daisy how wealthy he is now. However the colour gold could be used by Fitzgerald to show that Gatsby is corrupt, because the colour yellow symbolises corruption. Fitzgerald uses pathetic fallacy as rain appears when Gatsby and Daisy meet for the first time which ominously foreshadows their relationship and Gatsby’s fate. When Daisy finally meets Gatsby, Fitzgerald creates an awkward tension between the two. Fitzgerald uses silences such as ‘for half a minute there wasn’t a sound’ and ‘a pause’ which was ‘endured horribly’ to create a difficult and detached atmosphere. Conversation between Daisy and Gatsby does not flow easily and is filled with ‘chocking murmurs’, ‘abortive attempt at a laughs’ and snippets of small talk. Gatsby then nearly knocks over a ‘defunct mantel piece clock’ in his agitated and jittery manor – ‘†¦the clock took this moment to tilt dangerously†¦whereupon he turned and caught it with trembling fingers and set it back in place’. This represents Gatsby’s vain and clumsy attempt to stop the passage of time in order to retrieve the past. As the clock is a  defunct’ one it does not work and has stopped at one moment in time; just as Gatsby’s life has stopped. The fact that the clock is ‘defunct’ suggests that Gatsby is stuck in the past, and is deluded because he believes that his and Daisy’s relationship will be a successful one. Fitzgerald uses only two settings for chapter five in order to draw a line between the change of scene and the relationship between Gatsby and Daisy. At the start of the chapter, Nick, Daisy and Gatsby are gathered in Nick’s house; the relationship between Daisy and Gatsby seems somewhat awkward and both characters seem extremely nervous to be reunited again: ‘I heard a sort of choking murmur and part of a laugh’. This quote proves the situation was so nerve racking to Gatsby that he had to laugh to make the atmosphere feel less intense. However, when Gatsby invites Nick and Daisy over to his house his relationship with Daisy has improved and became far more relaxed, even to the point of having a friend play the piano to impress Daisy and to keep developing their relationship. Fitzgerald tells the story in chapter five through the portrayal of society and its materialistic mindset in the 1920’s. Gatsby feels more at ease in his own home because he is surrounded by luxuries that impress Daisy, ‘shirts with stripes and scrolls and plaid in coral and apple green and lavender and faint orange with mono grams of Indian blue’. The repetition of ‘and’ implies that Gatsby has a great deal of shirts, Fitzgerald is using the technique of assonance to drag out the sentence making it feel like the list is going on and on therefore creating an appearance of Gatsby having a colossal amount of possessions. It also indicates that for Gatsby to get Daisy back, he needs to ‘woo’ her using his wealth; the use of these exotic colours implies that he has been to many places reflecting his experiences. Furthermore, he is trying to display his wealth through his amount of fine, expensive shirts to show Daisy he has completely transformed from the man he was before and can offer her all that Tom can. Fitzgerald is suggesting that now Gatsby is very wealthy, Gatsby believes that he and Daisy are equal – relating to the theme of old and new money. The sight of all these extravagant shirts brings tears to Daisy’s eyes because she realises that this is the life she missed out on, the life she could have had with Gatsby. However it could be argued that she begins to cry because money is all that is important to her. Therefore the shirt scene is significant in how it portrays Daisy’s shallow character and how she loves a man for his wealth. Daisy is more representative of people during the decadent world of the Jazz Age. Fitzgerald concludes the chapter is with Nick being the one alone, which is a change of situation as it is usually Gatsby isolated from company. Nick seems almost jealous of the relationship Gatsby and Daisy have. This is shown by the long sentence length used by Nick describing Gatsby and Daisy in the final stages of the chapter where they have fallen for each other. Nick uses long sentences such as ‘They had forgotten me but Daisy glanced up and held out her hand; Gatsby didn’t know me now at all’ this shows Nicks jealousy of their relationship and the sentence is broken down into three parts to show how each character is feeling. Nick feels forgotten, Daisy feels she needs someone by holding out her hand and Gatsby is shown to be madly in love by not acknowledging Nick and fixating on Daisy. Chapter 5 is presented as the turning point within the novel when Gatsby and Daisy reunite and where the green light by the deck is not a dream anymore because Daisy is with Gatsby.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Special education _ Deaf_3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Special education _ Deaf_3 - Essay Example It is evident from the beginning that acquisition of sign language is usually a more technical approach than the spoken language. At an early stage, deaf children begin to practice manual babbling as opposed to vocal babbling witnessed in hearing children (Emmorey, 2002 page170 line 5). The American Sign Language (ASL) which is a natural and direct sign language is first developed among deaf infants and it later results in the production of lexical signs. It is role of the parents especially mothers to deaf children to develop and adopt lexical signs that make sense (Andrews, 2003 page 18-19 line 3-7). Mothers of deaf children begin by making signs on the bodies of their deaf children as well as molding their hands to make signs. The motor nerves in the hands deaf children developed faster hence they are able to quickly use their hands to make signs. This makes deaf children to begin their process of language acquisition earlier than hearing children. Due to their very sensitive and mature visual cortex as opposed to their auditory cortex, they are able to clearly distinguish between objects (Andrews, 2003 page 18-19 line 8-9). Hearing babies are in a position to listen and watch or view an object being displayed at the same time and this forms a key difference between them and the deaf babies. Deaf children produce what is known as baby signs while hearing children produce baby words (Meier, 2002 page 882, line 5). Owing to the fact that speech can be heard in the womb by the unborn child, it is a clear prove that mothers have a big role to play in process of developing speech among children at the pre-natal stage. It is therefore the role of mothers to ensure that their children only listen to soothing sounds that will have positive impact in their lives later in life. Mothers can influence language type among their children at a tender age and this shows why children will quickly learn the

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Personal Computers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Personal Computers - Essay Example From the time we wake up in the morning, until the time we go to bed, computers direct and assist our life. Personal computers today come in various forms – there are the desktops, the laptops, and the palmtops and if that was not enough, even cell phones can be used as personal computers. A computer in every home has changed the way people communicate. People wake up by the alarm that rings from the cell phones and even before they are out of bed, they check the emails on the cell phone itself. In Japan, people describe the cell phone as an extension of themselves (Faiola, 2004). Fifty-five percent of the population in Japan has signed up for internet access from their cellular phones. On the way to work, they answer all their emails. Cell phone is now a way of life, as they link it to their home-office PC, download music, use it to access information, read newspaper and even read novels. They use it to watch the TV programs, navigate the streets with the built-in GPS system, scan bar-coded information, get e-coupons for discounts on food and entertainment, and pay bills. They use it at school too by emailing the questions to the professors in the classroom. The professors answer them orally. The Japanese are so skilled at writing emails on cell phones, that they find it simpler than using computer keyboards. Computer technology is used in everyday lesson plans at the Highland Middle School (Horace). A SMART board, or a dry-erase board, when teamed with the projector becomes a touch-screen computer monitor that the whole class can see. The operator’s fingers act as the mouse and as soon as the board is touched, signal is sent back to the computer. This way they can browse the internet, make interactive presentations, and write on the screen. At The Pennsylvania State University, emails have replaced letters, telephone calls and memorandum as the preferred means of communication (Auguston, 2002). Learning occurs in classrooms, labs, libraries, residence

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Starbucks' Mission (vision, goals, objectives) aligned with its Essay

Starbucks' Mission (vision, goals, objectives) aligned with its strategies - Essay Example Manifestation of Starbucks’ mission is through its six (6) major principles. According to the Starbucks Coffee Official Website, these principles are the: equality of work environment, business diversity, application of high-standard excellence, focus on consumers’ satisfaction, environmental and communal contributions, and profitability recognition. In addition, through these ways of measuring appropriateness of decisions, Starbucks envisions itself as the â€Å"most recognized and respected brand in the world,† (Starbucks Coffee Website). As in every corporation, especially those who are present globally like Starbucks Coffee, marketing strategies are developed and implemented. Specifically, it developed marketing opportunities and applied efficient marketing strategies to gain profit and be recognized. All marketing strategies should be related to the company’s mission and vision; and this study aims to analyze whether Starbucks strategies are aligned with its goals. First manifestation of Starbucks’ mission is its equality of work environment (Starbucks Coffee Website). That means that every human resource should be treated with respect and dignity. Indeed, human resources, especially in a coffee corporation like Starbucks are very important. Starbucks, having recognized this and embraced it into their mission, highly prioritizes their people, their baristas. They value their employees because they know that they contribute and play a major role in company growth. The employees are the ones who serve the customers (Catching the Starbucks†¦, 2002). It is the employees who the customers see, not the CEO or president of the company. In relation to this, Starbucks train their employees both in product expertise and customer service. And thus, more competent hired employees are more knowledgeable of the product, and they can serve customers well for the success of the company.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Working with Federal Reserves Publications Essay

Working with Federal Reserves Publications - Essay Example In the past Central Bankers have traditionally been close-mouthed and the Federal Reserve was often reluctant to state publicly what its current policy directive is; what its idea about future monetary policy actions including its predictions in relation to general economic conditions or interest rates (Ehrmann et al 2007). Hence periodic or regular publications may provide some detailed analysis of monetary policies for the preceding moths or years but does not divulge any information details regarding current of future polices. The conventional or common practice of the Federal Reserve in keeping quiet about present and future monetary policies have change recently becoming more transparent such that after meetings the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) publicly relates monetary policy decisions and central bank forecasts, which also includes justifications for any changes that were or are made (Ehrmann et al 2007). The justifications include considerations taken that resulted to the decision over the changes done on the said monetary policies. The trend of the economy and financial markets generally rely on the monetary policy standpoint and balance-of-risks appraisal of the Federal Reserves or Central Bank’s public statements in connection to inflation and other forms of economic circumstances. The transparency adopted by the Federal reserve lessens market uncertainty with respect to any future monetary policy. However, the Federal Reserve has an option to change its perception and views after making a public announcement regarding its policies. But even with the data or information made available on prior and future monetary policies, a precise determination of the effects of such policies on the general economy and its financial markets can be hard to identify mainly due to other economic factors that can change overtime. 2. Explain the Federal Reserve’s current view about inflation Inflation usually occurs when there is an excess demand, when prices rise when total spending made by consumers, business firms and the government go beyond the value of the total amount produced within a given economy (Roberts 2006). In relation to this, changes in monetary policies as well as fiscal policies contribute greatly to the level of demand which is affected by government purchases, total consumption and investments made (Roberts 2006). However, this has no actual connection to the price level that is similar to the actual price of a single commodity; especially if all other changeable factors are constant like income (wages) and the prices of other goods. The collective price level normally indicates that all other prices are shifting as well. Therefore, incomes usually rise and fall with the level of prices because income is obtained from the price and quantity of goods sold (Roberts 2006). Issues regarding shifts or changes in the economy are quite complicated sine in real terms output in answer to demand cannot increase bey ond the full level of employment which triggers an increase in spending that can merely be attained at higher prices. This can be illustrated in the Philips curve where total demand can be slimmed down or increased in tandem with supply in order to attain full employment output with supply in order to attain full employment output with stable prices. Reality wise, demand is affected by difference in government spending and taxation (fiscal policy) or by the variation s in monetary factors that affects business investment spending. As a whole, it is difficult for the Federal Reser

Problems with Cosmetic Surgery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Problems with Cosmetic Surgery - Essay Example The main conclusion of the work will be made through the definition of the major backgrounds for such situation.The aim of this work is to perform a clear research on the problems, which now exist in the cosmetic surgery but are often made invisible for usual consumers with the aim of getting higher profits and not loosing the face of the cosmetic surgery industry as it is. The main conclusion of the work is that cosmetic surgery hides vast amount of problems, which should be understood by those who considers the possibility of going through such operation. Cosmetic surgery at present has become a huge industry with enormous turnovers and fantastic profits. It is not a secret that famous people and movie stars got used to create numerous sensations with each cosmetic surgery performed. However, the problems which cosmetic surgery creates should not be underestimated, because the amount of those, who are openly satisfied with the results is lower than of those who are secretly dissatisfied with the results of the surgery and see no need in addressing the public for the solution of these problems. Thus, it is necessary to underline the present state of cosmetic surgery and to distinguish the main problems which it presents. Cosmetic surgery has now acquired the scales of the real commercial industry, and a certain portion of works and studies was devoted to the description of the problems which cosmetic surgery presents. However, not much has been said about commercialization and the background reasons for such cosmetic surgeries' popula rity. Why women strive so much for making cosmetic surgeries, and why even teenage girls undergo such operations The reasons are to be defined in this paper. The more money the person is able to earn, the more seducing challenges this person desires to meet. Cosmetic surgery has become the challenge, which many aging women want to meet as soon as they have enough money for that. They often make it the brightest event in their life, though not understanding that such surgery may present serious consequences. Cosmetic surgery nowadays gives more questions, than answers, and more problems, than solutions. Of course, many celebrities have gone through such surgeries, but very often it is seen at a glance that surgery had been done unsuccessfully - their faces sometimes look as if they constantly smiled or were constantly surprised. These are the consequences of the low-quality cosmetic surgeries, and far not all people understand, that they won't be more perfect than they are in their present state. One of the main problems of cosmetic surgery is that for the aims of acquiring extra profits, the industry does not provide consumers and patien ts with the fullest information about the possible negative consequences and obstacles. Cosmetic surgery is taken by most women as a casual daily routine action, without any serious attitudes and deep understanding of the issue. However, it is still surgery, similar to many others. The number of the operation per year constantly increase - it is stated that for example, in the UK the number of cosmetic surgeries is equal to 75,000 per year which is huge number for such small country, while the number of cosmetic surgeries in the US was more than 11.5 million in 2005. (American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) However, as many operations are carried out by highly qualified specialists, there

Monday, September 9, 2019

The Rhetorical Canon of I Have a Dream Assignment - 1

The Rhetorical Canon of I Have a Dream - Assignment Example The timeline concentrates on Lincoln’s signing the Emancipation Proclamation as the beginning of positive change.   The second third of the speech outlines the (then) current struggles of the Civil Rights Movement. This section of the speech addresses the shortcomings of progress toward full citizenship of blacks, acknowledges the support of some whites and calls for a continued, unified effort of civilized discourse and non-violent actions.   The third section of the speech calls for action to complete the process. Martin Luther King, Jr. preaches his vision of America, America intended by the Declaration of Independence, the founding fathers, and President Lincoln.   His conclusion follows the montage of â€Å"My Country ‘is of Thee† imagery tying a negro spiritual refrain dreamed as a unified call from all races and religions, â€Å"Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!† A great connection of pathos and logos.   The first content section of the speech begins with a paraphrase from Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, â€Å"Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today...† cleverly ties the setting to the subject matter. This device is part repetition and part reference through paraphrasing. The description continues as a simile; the proclamation â€Å"came as a great beacon light of hope† and â€Å"as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity†. (King, 1963)   The introduction and conclusion bookend the speech with a hard cadence of â€Å"freedom† and â€Å"free†. (King, 1963) This style highlights the moral and ethical (ethos) belief that freedom for all Americans is unalienable (pathos).   

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Petroleum Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Petroleum Technology - Essay Example It was named the ExxonMobil's Fast Drilling Process (FDP). The technology has significantly increased drilling rates and reduced downtimes as it uses of real-time, computer analysis of the drilling system's energy consumption (AZo Network). ExxonMobil was able to do this through a proprietary software that creates computer models of deepwater platforms that increases accuracy of the design. FDP has shown success in exploration although its performance improves in a variety of conditions such as hard and soft rock, deep and shallow wells, and low angle wells. "The key benefit of the FDP is that it quantifies the hidden cost of slow drilling" and allows the company to alter the design to suit the objective theoretical performance in a specific well (AZo Network). The FDP is one of the innovations made by ExxonMobil together with technologies such as the deepwater mooring technology, made possible by a computer program that "determines how much weight can be shared between the drilling vessel and the anchor boats as they set out each line" (ExxonMobil).